Air Sterilization Solutions

Telsa Med

Space Air & Surface Sterilization Technology

TELSA MED designs and develops products suitable for public areas and medical settings, aiming to limit the spread of viruses. Its products are the result of extensive market research globally into laboratory studies for combating the COVID-19 pandemic and the SARS-CoV-2 and MERS-CoV viruses, and into a series of academic studies and clinical trial


TelsaMed technology is based on the mathematical model of Wells-Riley achieving a complete air sterilization, especially at places of high aerosol and microparticles production

The AktinR air sterilization system differs from other systems globally on five levels:

  • The system’s air absorption entrance is installed on the top part of the device. This means that it cannot spread the aerosol in the room. No other machine of similar sterilizing action is available in the market.
  • The use of a specific air absorption spout renders this technology crucial. The specially designed spout creates two different asymmetric low-pressure vortexes with great final range, starting from the center of the unit and ending at the upper layers close to the ceiling in the area where the device is located
  • It is fitted with ULPA and HEPA filters, with a 99.9995% rate of containment. On the one hand, the HEPA and ULPA filters have been arranged in a way that contains the viruses (due to artificial refraction - reference to NASA) and on the other, the UVC sterilizing light sources at 254nm have been installed before the filter, creating an air sterilizing chamber before the air can penetrate it.
  • The fourth innovation that renders this device unique is the installation of a second series of sterilizing light sources on either side of the filters. The UVC light sources can sterilize the deeper layers of the HEPA or ULPA structural materials, potentially trapping any infected aerosol and destroying it throughout their surface.

H TeslaMed σχεδιάζει και κατασκευάζει συστήματα απολύμανσης αέρα κατάλληλα για χώρους μέσης και υψηλής μολυσματικότητας. Πιο συγκεκριμένα:

Ποιοι είμαστε

TelsaMed technology is based στη μαθηματική μοντελοποίηση και στοχεύει στην ανακύκλωση του αέρα ιδιαίτερα σε χώρους παραγωγής αερολύματος.

Αν λάβουμε υπόψη μας τον ρυθμό αερισμού, χρησιμοποιούμε τα φίλτρα ULPA, HEPA, τον ενεργό άνθρακα, αλλά και τους αποστειρωτικούς λαμπτήρες UVC.

  • Δεσμεύει το αερόλυμα
  • Απολυμαίνει τις επιφάνειας ακόμη και με την παρουσία κοινού
  • Χρησιμοποιεί αποστειρωτικούς λαμπτήρες τεχνολογίας UVC
  • Καλύπτει έκταση έως και 100τμ.
  • Παρέχει τη δυνατότητα χρήσης σε δευτερεύοντες χώρους


Customized solutions

We offer customized solutions according to your needs

Latest technologies

We use the latest technologies and protocols aiming at the constant development of our products

Given that aerosols are made up of microparticles, most of which are invisible to the naked eye, TELSA MED has designed the AKtinR series of products. The device is on wheels and is a variable regulation system of upper air concentrations.



Reduction of air microbial load during 60 minutes of operation


Protocol number



Containment of a wide range of organisms: 0,01-30μm including those caring strains of the virus SARS-CoV-2


Protocol number

260/2020 – 1522


Radiation emissions in accordance with the directives 2006/25/EC


Protocol number



Reduction of microbial load on measurement surfaces

until 100%

Protocol number



Pasteur, Democritus, C.E, Evatam

Our Solutions


Component 10 – 1


In terms of design, this is achieved through two different approaches for areas with moderate and high infectiousness, based on their health-related intricacies. Specifically, dentists, jaw surgeons, pulmonologists and ENT specialists are some of the specialties that belong to the high infectiousness groups due to their proximity to patients. It is also imperative to shield the ICUs (report by the World Health Organization) and the outpatient clinics of hospitals.

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Component 11 – 1


The 1st air sterilization system built exclusively for Meeting Rooms with 360o air suction on the upper side that egos the aerosol between the attendees. The quietest system in the world with the most specialized specifications. Moreover, it is the only machine that simultaneously disinfects the desktop and everything on it indoors up to 100%

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Component 12 – 1


Sterilization equipment suitable places of medium and low contamination. Personalized system with high retention of particulate pollutants and sterilizing action from the very first air change.

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Component 13 – 1


Primary technological innovation is the position of the air intake and subsequently the way the virus binds and deactivates. Restaurants areas places where crowds gather that are considered areas of moderate infectiousness.

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Reduction of air microbial load during 60 minutes of operation




Containment of a wide range of organisms: 0,01-30μm including those caring strains of the virus SARS-CoV-2




Radiation emissions in accordance with the directives 2006/25/EC


έως 100%


Reduction of microbial load on measurement surfaces

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